Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Today in class we ran into a few problems getting on to the internet, which is very ironic as this is an assistive technology course! The lack of internet however did not stop us from learning lots! Today was a short class as we were making our time up watching our course on elluminate. This was amazing but I will save it for another reflection.

We spent our time this morning making a commercial to promote the Reel Director App.  This app is a video editing app.  It was so much fun to use! 2 hours. Can't imagine the work that would go into making a three hour movie! To make a 60 second video it took us about We decided to make our commercial about pictello (just to confuse evervone this is also a video making app).  When all was said and done we realized how many skills would go into planning,creating and editing a video or in our case a commercial.

Here is a list of skills that students would use when using the Reel Directior App.

Communication Skills
Problem soliving
Writing a script
Note taking
Hands on activities
Technology skills- video making, about your app, consider needs of audience
Media skills
Group work
Student and self-evaluation

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